Assurance API

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Test Overview

Chorus NZ is committed to making integration with its APIs easy and robust and is available to support your development and testing.

As with any software development, Chorus encourages you to test your application with both positive and negative scenarios. The following list of test cases has been provided for your convenience but it is not intended to be comprehensive.

The sandbox version of the Assurance API uses new service virtualisation technology which records and replays the functionality of the production API and service components, for testing purposes.

A comprehensive list of scenarios have been captured which we think will cater for most of your needs, we have provided Postman Collections to make it easy to test, and added specific new error codes which relate to the sandbox responses in the Error codes page.

The service virtualisation capability used to deliver this sandbox, is new for Chorus so we welcome any feedback you have to make it better for you. Contact API Support for assistance.
